Make it Profitable
Investment in real estate is always secure investment for your money. Now it’s time to buy your investment properties. These days, we have the buyer’s market. How long it will continue and when it will repeat next time, nobody knows. That’s why, now is the best time to invest. In our life we have just one time to act: and it is now.
You can invest money in residential, commercial and industrial properties. If you don’t have an investor’s experience I’ll give you some ideas. For example, buy 1 piece of real estate: house or condo apartment and rent it. Tenants will cover your monthly expenses. Even if, every month you’ll receive a profit of $100, it really makes sense to do it.
First of all market will increase the value of your properties in long term in 5, 7 years.
Secondly, it will cost you nothing to maintain this property. With this 1 real estate property you will become the investor and you will get valuable experience.
After that, you can buy and manage more properties with more confidence. In our private meeting, I’ll explain you everything with more details, teach you, and will share my experience and experiences of my numerous clients.
As you know, we have many investors, who made their millions of dollars on real estate. Now, these investors teach us: you can visit their seminars or buy the books, CD's, it can be very helpful. These investors give us really good advices. One of them is: become rich using money of other’s. For example, you have $100,000 dollars to invest in real estate.
Ordinary person would think: to put all money into down payment to buy just 1 property.
But experienced investors would advise: to buy 5 properties, put $20,000 down payment into each property, and the rest (if you do not have enough) take loans or mortgage.
In both cases, you spend the same amount of money today, but in the second scenario after 5, 7 years you will be 5 times richer. This is exactly what it means: to become rich using the money of others.
In long term, any property increases, and value will increase according to the amount you put in the price of the property when you bought it.
It does not matter if you buy house or apartment, the value of the property will grow according to the price you've paid, there is no difference house or condo.
For example, all of you know Thornhill area. If you buy here in Thornhill condo apartment for $250, 000, its value will increase, according to the price you've paid for the property.
If you buy, in the same area around the corner, house for $2 millions, its value will also increase according to the price you've paid.
If you buy condo apartment for $1million, and in the same area small house for $450,000, their values will also increase according to the price you've invested.
This shows, that the value of real estate properties increases accordingly to the property’s price. And the opinion that houses increase in price faster than condos, is not really truth.
The only difference between houses or apartments is a life style. Therefore, when buying properties for yourself or for investment, simply decide: which life style you like more, therefore that property is more suitable for you.
In these days, I would recommend to buy resale property (from people).
First of all, when you by resale you can negotiate price with sellers, with builders you can’t.
Secondly, you can buy resale with only 5% down payment (for already existing property), with builder minimum is 10-15% down payment (for the papers).
Finally, while your property will be built in 2-3 years down the road, prices can decrease these days, but you are tied up with the builder by contract, and you would have to pay the price which was formed on the peak of the market.
If you like to buy new property, buy inventories from the builder (property which is already built and you can see what you buy).
Very profitable real estate investment can be commercial and industrial properties. It could be: units 2, 3 thousands square feet or more on commercial plazas or in industrial complexes. It could be detached 2 floors premises on the plazas, where first floor is used as stores, pharmacies, studios, on the second floor are offices or apartments.
Another commercial property could be whole plaza, we have 2 types of them: small plaza (called strip plaza) or large plazas.
In commercial and industrial premises, you will have other types of tenants than residential tenants, and different styles of operation. Depending on your financial abilities and time, you can manage your commercial property, you can hire a manager or hire a property management company.
All details, all my knowledge and info I’ll provide to my clients in one on one meeting.
Also, it is possible to invest money in properties located in other countries: US, Panama, Europe, etc. If you have an interest you’ll receive from me any help you need, considering your investment interests. Still, my advice is: invest your money here at home, in Canada. It will be easier to manage and easier to dispose the property, when you need it.
Real Estate is always money invested with the guarantee!